domenica 17 maggio 2009

A' Anna, che tte serve? (aggiornato)

But she (Noemi’s mother, Anna Palumbo) also said she hoped that Mr Berlusconi could “do for my daughter what he did not manage to do for me” — implying that she had known him in the 1980s, when Mr Berlusconi was building his television empire.
The Times online

The above report originally quoted Anna Palumbo, the mother of Noemi Letizia, saying that she hoped Silvio Berlusconi could do for her daughter what he did not manage to do for her, implying that she had known Mr. Berlusconi in the 1980s during her early TV career. This quote was, in fact, given to an Italian journalist and was mistranslated in our report. Ms. Palumbo was not referring to Mr. Berlusconi when she said "il Signore", but to "The Lord", meaning God. There was, therefore, no implication that she knew Mr. Berlusconi in the 1980s. We apologise for any embarrassment caused.

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